Sunday, October 23, 2011


I might be getting a ps2 and the games soon so cross your fingers

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hey all!

kk I have lots of tests to do so i'll be busy but i'll work on them!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun video's page

i'm going to make a page with links to utube vids..... (like the strawberry and gummybear, and can't foreget Vexen hates Christmas XD)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I was thinking.....

To get this blog up and going we could maybe start with posting stories and stuff(pictures, links to other sites, videos..ect...) so I'll post the link to my first kh-vid. on youtube. so i'm going to make a page with pictures.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Awaken I hear the words
Pictures on glass and small white birds
A glass staircase I am struggling to ascend
Watching as my old life begins to end
Seeing the door to my heart
Now knowing a journey is about to start
Will I open or will I close
My heart to the darkness from which it arose



The KH games I've played and watched are awesome so haven't played them well get too it :D

and Indigo I have to go so yeah you know what I mean. TTYL!!! :D

                                  -Mizuki or Eclipse

Short Story

I woke up to the sound of the waves. Where am I? Who am I? I could feel a soft substance between my fingers as I rubbed my fingers against the ground. I slowly oepen my eyes to see where I am. I see that I'm on a beach, on a island. A soft breeze brushes against my skin. My black hair falling over my shoulder. Standing up I walk over to the water. The waves rolls upon the shore when I see my reflection in the water. My blue eyes gazing back at me, my long black hair tucked behind my ear. I watch as the wave leaves and a new wave crashes over top of it my blue-eyed self was replaced. All was the same except those yellow eyes staring back at me, her mouth smirking. I stared at the reflection until I was caught by surprise as another wave makes it disapear bringing my blue eyes back.

Seasalt Icecream Recipe

Click Seasalt Icecream for the recipe.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Ok I'll start posting this after i type it up.

I'll post the seasalticecream recipe from Disorganization13's blog on here credit to them.

so anyway i'll get started...........